Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blogpost # 7: Aliens

Aliens are visitors from another planet. We think we know what they are, little grey men, sometimes described as lizard people, and yet other times Nordics. Well, I really don't know the exact look of an alien, but one thing the I'm sure of is they are dangerous and deadly.

Paranormal said that, there is a good deal of a theory that in the future, man will evolve into a different form because of less need for muscle more reliance on machines, and larger brain to handle growing technology and its applications.

As I was going through articles about mythical creatures I found an article about my topic entitled "The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases and the Et Presence", written by Dr. Rita Louise.

According to the article there are stories about the place Dulce in New Mexico, where physicist and inventor Paul Bennewits claimed that he discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrial being or an Alien. The story of Paul quickly spread through the , UFO community.
And Dr. Rita also mentioned that Dulce is not the only place where underground base exist. It said that United States, Australia, Antartica, and South America is also connected via series of channels connect to another. But there are no proof, and so they turn to Mythology for answers, but some claim from the UFO community treated more like science fiction rather than facts.

For mythology underground realm was lived by the 'Gods' they refer it to Hades, Tartarus, Xibalba, Duat, Patala, and Hell.. It is the home of gods that are not found deep with in the earth. Therefore Aliens was compared by the Gods who lives in the underground.

"Allegations that surround the base include human abductions ("alien abductions") by these extraterrestrial beings", Says Dr. Rita Louise.

For what Dr. Rita stated to the article I fully agreed for what she discussed. I mean we needed  information that can provide us from the truth. We all need answers that cant make us confused.

I found the article entitled "TODAY, VEGAS: TOMORROW, THE WORLD! MEAN LITTLE GREEN GUYS ATTACK EARTH", written by Cindy Pearlman.

I was very interested about the article because me, myself I'm a big fan of the movie 'Mars Attack.' Where Martians invaded planet earth.

In the movie its not all about giving the watcher an idea what an Alien has or do? It is all about making the watcher laugh. The appearance of this Martians are funny. Well, who would be terrified or horrified if you see an alien wearing an underwear?
They also have oversize brains and buggy eyes, emerge from their sleek metal saucers.

This article was based in a movie where Tim Burton created Mars attack. And for who don't know who Tim burton is, Tim Burton is an American film director, producer, artist, writer, poet and stop motion artist. And his movie was rated B class movie of the late '50s. And for more information the Mars attack movie is one of the most expensive B class movie in the late '50s.
He even hire famous actor and actress like Jack Nicholson, Annette Bening, Jim Brown, Lukas Haas and even the famous singer Tom Jones was in the movie.

"Washington, Los Angeles, New York: all zapped and flambeed. Annoying tourists--ugly green guys with horrible manners--have arrived with ray guns to toast our buns", Says Cindy Pearlman.

I was interested about the article where Cindy Pearlman describe Tim Burton's success about making the Mars Attack movie. I find Mr. Burton very creative about doing the characteristic of a Martian. He made the Scary Alien into a hilarious monster.

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