Monday, April 21, 2014

Chapter 3


The paper attempted to determine the bad effects of Mythical Creature.

The research design used in this study is called the action and research method. This research design is used in work community situations and solutions driven research. The research findings are the following:

1. Mythical creatures are popular.
2. Parents read tales about mythical creatures to kids.
3. Films and movies are sometimes based in myths.
4. A lot of kids are influenced by mythical creatures.

1. Mythical creatures causes fear to children.
2. Mythical creatures can cause Nightmares, Trauma and Phobia.

RECOMMENDATIONS1. Parents - We should learn to stop introducing mythical creatures to kids because their minds are way too young to believe because they cannot even tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

2. Film Makers - they should be basing myths on books and not use their creative minds to do scripts in creating movies about mythical creature that would make false statements that is contradicting in novels.

A. electronic media

Oxford, "Mythical Creatures" retrieved April 17, 2013 from

Fallon, Claire (2013) "9 Children's Books That Terrified Us" retrieved April 17, 2014 from

Wheatley, Cliff (2014) "The Most Influential Monsters in movie History" retrieved April 18, 2014

from (2011) "Mythical sea creatures can reveal scientific truth" retrieved April 18, 2014  from,71602,en.phpSolter, Aletha "Child afraid of night-time monsters" retrieved April 18, 2014
TPSicotte "Bed Time: When Young Children are Afraid of Monsters" retrieved April 18, 2014from
Dr.  Louise, Rita (2013) "The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases and the Et Presence " retrieved April 18, 2014  from, Nick  "The fable of the dragon tyrant " retrieved April 15, 2014
from Seigfried, Carl (2013) "The thor movies and norse mythology" retrieved April 15, 2014

from, Mel C. "The Boogeyman Called" retrieved April 15, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014


 In what ways could Mythical creatures be bad for kids?

I.  Definition of Mythical Creatures
Myths and legends have provided us with some truly horrifying monsters. Mythical Creatures is bad for kids as the researcher said, mythical creatures is a n imagination of children, it's only a myth that many believes. They can be bad for children in the way telling them a story it can scare them traumatize them or they can have phobia. The phobia or fear for mythical creature's is called Cryptozoophobia. Parents have been inventing stories about monsters to scare their children for them to obey and it is effective for centuries. Mythical Creatures are species that never been seen. Though, some say they have detected creatures that a normal people can't imagine. Mythical creatures are monsters that well-known in folklore and myth. They are legendary creatures that at one point believed to be real beings.

Mythical Creatures according from the Oxford, "Mythical creatures associated with children's literature are often amalgamations of common animals and sometimes combinations of beast and man. Some of the mythical figures known to children are dragons, griffons, satyrs, centaurs, unicorns, and Pegasus. Many of them have their origins in various world mythologies" (

Examples of popular mythical creatures are the Cuco the Child Eater, Black Annis, BabaYaga, and Kappha.
     "Cuco" the Child Eater one of the most famous in Hispanic countries. The Cuco is a mysterious being name-dropped in various traditional lullabies as a horrible, unknowable whatsit with an appetite for the restless. A Latino version of "Rock-a-Bye Baby," for instance, can be translated as "sleep little child, sleep now, or the Cuco will come and eat you.This belief affected many children in Hispanic countries.
     "Black Annis, Baba Yaga and Other Creepy Old People"In England they have Black Annis, who lived in a cave dug out with her own iron claws and wore the tanned hides of naughty children as a skirt. The Slavic Baba Yaga lived in a dancing chicken-leg hut and rode a magic cauldron when she ventured out to go hunting for kids. This belief made children lessen eating candies but the joy being a child just been vanished.
      "The Kappa", Kappa are sometimes said to be out-of-control rapists. Instead of a brain, these slimy duck-billed turtle people simply have a hole on their head filled with water, Kappa factor into a lot of Japanese myths and,  they do their share of boogeying on the side. Parents told their children that a Kappa might attack them if they play by a lake or river unattended, and the critters are used on warning signs even to this day. This belief gives children trauma to not swim anymore in lakes or rivers. and its a bad thing.

II.   Reasons why people believe in mythical creatures

A. Mythical stories
There are several stories about mythical creatures or shall we call monsters. Stories of them are so popular that it is all read by many, even in schools, libraries, and mostly read in house's. Some of the stories are enchanted, exciting, and adventurous but, there will be no excitement if the story is not frightening. Mythical creatures in stories are made to entertain and to scare people. And that so, it will affect the society and it will bring fear to the public.

Mythical Stories are believed by many children. They're the one who's mostly been affected by the stories. The minds of children are to wild and that's why they are easily to believed. And that so, children can have illness of trauma or phobia a condition that can't be easily removed. There's a proof that children are mostly affected to the stories.

Claire Fallon wrote an article about "9 Children's Books That Terrified Us", Its natural we protect our kids from whom who hurt them. We read them bed time stories before they sleep kiss them before they fall asleep but, why does other parents read them terrifying stories? Scary stories is one of the way to discipline their children it is the way to obey them. Many writers and experts believe children actually benefit from reading stories that frighten or unsettle.

Claire also mentioned "Some psychologists have suggested that children can learn to cope with the frightening realities of their world -- possible loss of parents, interpersonal conflict -- by exploring these darker facts of life in the safe, fictional world of a storybook"(

There are different ways to discipline their children. Parents should be the one to blame why kids are suffering Trauma or phobia.

B. Mythical movies
Mythological creatures are popular now this days. that's why there are many movies that involve in mythical creatures like "Harry Potter'', ''Narnia'', ''The Hobbit'', and ''Lord of the Rings''. This movies influence people. And that's why some people especially the children believe in mythical creatures, because of the fact that this creatures are shown in movies.

Cliff Wheatley wrote an article about "The Most Influential Monsters in movie History". Taking us from Nosferatu to Jurassic Park, We thought the most important movie monsters in the history was the time to take a look at. The Universal Monster movies was produced through 1948 and the movie Dracula, is the reason why people influenced in Mythical movies.

Cliff Wheatley mentioned that, "Movie monsters can come in many forms. They can be giant beasts created by the shortcomings of mankind, or they can be super-killers that haunt us from beyond the grave. From vampires to dinosaurs to giant apes to zombies and beyond, the movie monster has been a staple of cinema since the earliest of horror movies in the late 19th century"(

Because of this, Mythical  movies like Dracula, Frankenstein , Godzilla and etc. people are motivated to watch. Whats a movie if there's no antagonist, And because of that people will gather information about mythical monsters. They will know the characteristics of a monster and they will apply it to people for what they see. Judgement of people will take over which is a bad effect.

C. Science in Mythical Creatures
When it comes to science monsters and myth are nothing. Well, the word Science is big term of explanation. All of the philosophy has an answer when it comes to science, there's always contradictions and conflict just to prove that its studies are correct. And also according to science the study of Mythical creatures is called the Cryptozoology.

On the site, the article was about "Mythical sea creatures can reveal scientific truth". According to Dr. Charles Paxton, Sighting a Monster can provide an important data statisticaly. And he also studyied the anecdotes about creatures, such as Kraken or the Loch ness monster, that can reveal information regarding human perception.

Dr. Paxton said, “If you look at the distribution of reported distances of sea monster accounts, they're much closer than you would expect by chance alone” 

According to what Dr. Paxton said  the creature will only reveal itself if there only very few people around,because the fewer of people the higher percentage it will reveal itself.

III. Mythical Creature Effects to Children

A. Fear
Children are the most fearful people to all. There the one who gain more impact of fear than adults. And that's why children are one of the most affected in terms of fear. Many of kids' fears seems ridiculous to us adult but to them the world is full of threats more than that we know. Most fears fade when kids develop, but if your child's fear continue and consume him, he'll need your help to overcome them.Scariest mythological creatures from around the world that causes fear to children an effect that a child can have when it comes story telling or watching movies. Some children are more sensitive and emotional in their feelings and that's why children is mostly affected when it comes in scaring.

Aletha Solter wrote an article entitled, "Child afraid of night-time monsters". Most children feel less fearful when a parent is nearby. They have real needs to be physically close to somebody who will protect them against all imagined dangers. Fear is very common to a kid between the ages of three and eight. Their fear comes from what they heard in a story, and what they see in movies. They feel powerless in a world that is sometimes confusing and frightening.

Aletha Solter also mentioned that "I personally feel that movies should be screened very carefully for young children, because there are often scenes of separation, loss, danger, or violence, with frightening creatures. Most movies marketed to children are not appropriate for children under the age of seven or eight years. But please don't blame yourself for letting your son watch ET. You had no way of knowing how it would affect him" (

Scary monsters that is shown in wide screens should be more careful. Because sometimes children can't control their emotions and it might causes them trauma, And also for the parents we should guide our children in terms in watching don't allow them to watch if you know that the movie that is shown is to violent and frightening.

B. Nightmares
Fear, horror, despair, anxiety and great sadness is one of the reasons why nightmares response.
Sleeping in an awkward position can may also cause nightmares even having a fever, eating before going to sleep can increase and activate your body's metabolism and brain activity, that causes strong motivation for nightmares.

TPSicotte wrote an article entitled "Bed Time: When Young Children are Afraid of Monsters". This article children has a wild imaginations that is why they are scared sometimes in sleeping because they are imagining things that are somewhat not normal for others to see. As a kid they still cannot really distinguishing the reality, fantasy and they tend to mix things up so that's why they are really afraid of monsters because they think they were really real even though it is just a dream.

TPSicotte also stated that, "It is typical for young children to have a good imagination and to believe in magical creatures and monsters. Between the ages of three and six many kids have a difficult time separating the fantasy world from the real world" (

Kids are really imaginative and their thoughts in their minds are not yet in correspond with the real world so that's why some of them always imagine monsters. Because they are always scared with things that they don't know.

Thursday, April 3, 2014



A. Background of the Study

Mythical creatures are popular. Mythical creatures has been reported to be seen throughout the globe and many says that they really exist and they believe that their existence provides balance in our nature. Mythical creatures like bigfoot, monsters, vampires and aliens that is popular to the western countries.

In an article called 
 "The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases and the Et Presence by Dr. Rita Louise. According to the article there are stories about the place Dulce in New Mexico, where physicist and inventor Paul Bennewits claimed that he discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrial being or an Alien. 
Dr. Rita also mentioned that Dulce is not the only place where underground base exist. It said that United States, Australia, Antartica, and South America is also connected via series of channels connect to another. But there are no proof, and so they turn to Mythology for answers, but some claim from the UFO community treated more like science fiction rather than facts. and she also stated "He also asserted that the extraterrestrials were engaging in the development of advanced technology including genetic manipulation"(

Parents read tales about mythical creatures to kids. Parents read tales about mythical creatures to kids to somehow help their curiosity and sometimes to scare them.

In an article called The fable of the dragon tyrant by Nick Bostrom. Dragons are known as Gods and they are feared by people. Dragons are known to be likely add malevolent, mendacious, and menacing. They are believed to eat people. and he also mentioned "ten thousand men and women had to be delivered every evening at the onset of dark to the foot of the mountain where it lived"( and with that thought kids who knows the fable are scared when the full moon comes.

Films and movies are sometimes based on myth. The Entertainment industry has always been adopting films from myths because they are popular to many people. An example is Van Helsing(2004) derived from a novel from Irish author Bram Stoker's novel Dracula.

In article called The thor movies and norse mythology by Dr. Carl Seigfried. 
Norse mythology, as it survives in the written record, presents the gods as very complicated individuals. Reducing each of them to a single nickname like (God of thunder) really oversimplifies things. they're known as Supernatural Icons in the film. he also added "If we are going to take this material seriously, we need to ask: what is the function of the god? ( this explains that the industry doesn't really follow the myths but they exaggerate them.

A lot of kids are influenced by mythical creatures. Kids are infulenced by mythical creatures because they are awesome and the fact that these creatures have super powers it makes them want to be them. On the other hand, they are not just inspired because they are awesome, sometimes kids are influence to myhthical creatures because they are scary. 
Kids change how they think themselves their imaginations are too wild and big we cant tell what are they thinking. 

The researcher read an article called "The Boogeyman Called".  By Mel C. Montgomery. According to the article Boogeyman is a imaginary 
 monster we sometimes frighten small children with. It is a way to scare little children in bed to discipline children in good behavior. Boogeyman is only effective in  immature minds like childrens. Mel also stated that "Sometimes also, when faced with a situation of which they are unfamiliar or for which they have no 
explanation, such as the sudden death of a family pet, or the appearance of a wart, children will exclaim, "The Boogeyman did it!" . Having the fear of boogeyman is what changes the kids attitude. It influences them to obey to not be taken by the said monster.(

Mythical Creatures are believed because they are introduced by parents to children in ways of story telling, comics, games, shows, and many more. However, they are believed researcher thinks that believing in Mythical Creatures is bad.
Understanding the effects of their believes would help us understand the Bad effects of their exposure to the public and encouraging people to disbelief Mythical Creatures because of the fact that don't really exist

The purpose  of this paper is to make people knowledgeable about the bad effects of Mythical Creatures to kids.

B. Statement of the Problem 

This study aims to answer the question:

1. In what ways could Mythical creatures be bad for kids?

C. Significance of the Study

Parents and Adults :  This research paper will help them to understand more about mythical creatures, to why myth or legend are important to the children's imaginations and why is mythical creatures are important to society. Moreover, the researcher is encouraging people to read and learn more about mythical creatures and to discover the hidden meaning of its myth.

Philosopher : This research paper will be helpful for professionals they will gain more knowledge about this research paper and it is a truly benefit especially when it is concerned about the real truth about mythical creatures or the hidden truth about mythical creatures. And also this research paper will push them to interest and to do more studies.

Future Researcher : This research paper will be help to the researcher especially if it's similar to their research. This paper will  help them relate the study of Mythological creatures. And also in the process of their research they might be able to apply the information given in this paper. 

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study focused to the stories and real truth behind the said mythical creatures. To how does mythical creatures applied in society. And also the researcher discuss the similarities and characteristics of the study.

Though there are several of studies about this research. The researcher didn't discussed about the Culture of the mythical creatures because of lack of information's, reliable and factual sources.

E.   Materials and Methods

In this research, the materials used to gather the information the researcher have gathered was mostly from articles found online that focuses on the myth of the unreal creatures.

By inspecting these compiled information, they can be presented by the use of writing through the form of recording the mythical creature's benefits and connecting them with how they are useful to the society.

F. Definition of Terms

1. Aliens a foreign, a visitor from another planet. 

2. Dracula a famous and a legendary vampire. And also known as Vlad III Dracula. Dracula means "son of Dracul' in Romanian or 'Son of the Devil'. He is also the Walachian Prince in the past 15th century.  

3. Dragons a legendary creature or a mythical beast. A giant reptile that breaths fire, a snake headed like body , thick metallic skin, and has a big strong wings.

4. Elves are monstrous mythical creatures that looks like men that have an average height of 4 to 5 feet, Ears that pointed outwards, long uncut hair.

5. Medusa a monster, beast or a gorgon. With dragon body formed and snake headed hair. Medusa is the "Serpent Goddess' and the protector or the Guardians of women.

6. Phoenix a mythological bird that is associated with the Egyptian and Asian culture, which has a tail of gold and scarlet and a colorful plumage.

7. Werewolf also known as Wolf man, Beast, or a Lycanthropes. Werewollf is a half human and a wolf.  

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blogpost # 7: Aliens

Aliens are visitors from another planet. We think we know what they are, little grey men, sometimes described as lizard people, and yet other times Nordics. Well, I really don't know the exact look of an alien, but one thing the I'm sure of is they are dangerous and deadly.

Paranormal said that, there is a good deal of a theory that in the future, man will evolve into a different form because of less need for muscle more reliance on machines, and larger brain to handle growing technology and its applications.

As I was going through articles about mythical creatures I found an article about my topic entitled "The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases and the Et Presence", written by Dr. Rita Louise.

According to the article there are stories about the place Dulce in New Mexico, where physicist and inventor Paul Bennewits claimed that he discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrial being or an Alien. The story of Paul quickly spread through the , UFO community.
And Dr. Rita also mentioned that Dulce is not the only place where underground base exist. It said that United States, Australia, Antartica, and South America is also connected via series of channels connect to another. But there are no proof, and so they turn to Mythology for answers, but some claim from the UFO community treated more like science fiction rather than facts.

For mythology underground realm was lived by the 'Gods' they refer it to Hades, Tartarus, Xibalba, Duat, Patala, and Hell.. It is the home of gods that are not found deep with in the earth. Therefore Aliens was compared by the Gods who lives in the underground.

"Allegations that surround the base include human abductions ("alien abductions") by these extraterrestrial beings", Says Dr. Rita Louise.

For what Dr. Rita stated to the article I fully agreed for what she discussed. I mean we needed  information that can provide us from the truth. We all need answers that cant make us confused.

I found the article entitled "TODAY, VEGAS: TOMORROW, THE WORLD! MEAN LITTLE GREEN GUYS ATTACK EARTH", written by Cindy Pearlman.

I was very interested about the article because me, myself I'm a big fan of the movie 'Mars Attack.' Where Martians invaded planet earth.

In the movie its not all about giving the watcher an idea what an Alien has or do? It is all about making the watcher laugh. The appearance of this Martians are funny. Well, who would be terrified or horrified if you see an alien wearing an underwear?
They also have oversize brains and buggy eyes, emerge from their sleek metal saucers.

This article was based in a movie where Tim Burton created Mars attack. And for who don't know who Tim burton is, Tim Burton is an American film director, producer, artist, writer, poet and stop motion artist. And his movie was rated B class movie of the late '50s. And for more information the Mars attack movie is one of the most expensive B class movie in the late '50s.
He even hire famous actor and actress like Jack Nicholson, Annette Bening, Jim Brown, Lukas Haas and even the famous singer Tom Jones was in the movie.

"Washington, Los Angeles, New York: all zapped and flambeed. Annoying tourists--ugly green guys with horrible manners--have arrived with ray guns to toast our buns", Says Cindy Pearlman.

I was interested about the article where Cindy Pearlman describe Tim Burton's success about making the Mars Attack movie. I find Mr. Burton very creative about doing the characteristic of a Martian. He made the Scary Alien into a hilarious monster.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blogpost # 6: Phoenix

We all know what is the Mythical Phoenix look like. Well,  Phoenix is flame bird that can die and born out of its ash. Phoenix is breathtaking to say the least. Its large size only enhances its beauty, as it soars and dives in the sky. Its feathers are composed entirely of fire, its tail feathers orange and deep yellow, and its body mostly dark orange, red and crimson. The phoenix is a symbol of the sun but personified.

Experts also said that a Phoenix is a mythological bird that is associated with the Egyptian and Asian culture, which has a tail of gold and scarlet and a colorful plumage. The phoenix bird is said to live for 500 to 1000 years after which, it burns itself and its nest and there emerges a new phoenix bird.

I read an article about "The truth behind the myth: Phoenix," by Renee Mallett.

Several theories of the mythical firebird came to be held world wide.
Renee Mallett exampled 'The Sprang from the behavior of East African Flamingoes. It is said that East African Flamingoes nest is build in salt flats that is baked from the heat of the sun where the chick Flamingoes can't survive.
She also mentioned another theory of mythical Phoenix bird behavior, which we call 'Anting'.
Anting means birds that rub insects on their feathers, usually ants, which secrete liquids containing chemicals such as formic acid, that can act as an insecticide and bactericide, or to make them edible by removing the distasteful acid. That is similar to mythical bird the Phoenix.

Renee Mallett also said that "There are several theories as to how the stories of mythical firebirds came to be worldwide."

I agree for what Renee wrote on the article, there are many theories of the Mythical bird the Phoenix.
In Philippines we can refer the phoenix to our famous mythical story called the 'Ibong Adarna.'
which is also a mythical bird.

Always remember, No one ever really learns from history, because choices never present themselves in exact the same way, and because you can always choose similarities and differences to fit.

Phoenix has many interesting stories that actually believed by many. Every culture has its own myths, tales, and legends about the mythical fire bird the Phoenix.

As I search for a new related article about my topic I found an article entitled "The Phoenix (The Geography of Myths: Tracking the Phoenix throughout the World)", written by Claire Weber.

Because of its popularity, It is said that the myth of the Phoenix is between Western and Eastern world.

For the Western world of Phoenix. The Phoenix is made popular by the Greeks, Their the one who spokes Phoenix magical and healing powers.
And for the other side the East world of Phoenix. In Slavic folklore, the trees forms an image of the Firebird creature, that known to grant wishes or to save lives of people in danger.

Claire discussed the difference of Western and Eastern world of Phoenix beliefs, where the Eastern phoenix is more in portrayed in being truly immortal, while the Western phoenix involves to political or religious motives.
And for their similarities either West or East, Phoenix die to live again to become a new bird, and to begin the next lifecycle.

"Each culture has its own myths, tall-tales, and legends. At first sight, the differences between cultures as one travels from place to place seem abundant," Says Claire Weber.

I agree for what Claire discussed, we all have different kind of beliefs it maintains the right balance of our world. And it contains more magical image that we can visualize in the world of creativeness.
We are the one who makes this mythical creatures lived.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blogpost # 5: Elves

What do Elves look like? Well I haven't saw one before but I wish I can see them, though they said its impossible to caught them in the act. Elves are Cute, Cuddly, Small, Beautiful and Majestic just like Santa's Elves.

 But according to the experts Elves are monstrous mythical creatures that looks like Men that have an average height of 4 to 5 feet, Ears that pointed outwards, Long uncut hair, which is Fragile, big an expressive Eyes, Grateful and Beautiful. And they have the ability to heal themselves, whether they choose to do so with their natural born ability or with the use of magic. If the injured Elf hasn't lost too much blood or isn't too badly injured, then their natural healing ability usually suffices. They will be able to heal themselves much faster. The Nimbulaii are the rarest in every way possible.

I read an article about "Building in Iceland? Clear It with the Elves Fist" written by Sarah Lyall in website "nytimes"  where Sarah mentioned about Elves in Iceland.

The article talks about asking permission first before making your steps because it can cause you misfortune. It states that Iceland is rooted by elves where people actually believes on them.
People in Iceland has a different Philosophy answers about Elves, that if there's a large stone in your garden and somebody said to an Iceland that's an ''Elf Stone'', and they added that "It's not like they think they are little people living in there who come and dance outside." It's pretty weird because hey can't see them but they can feel them.

"Although it is easy to find Icelanders who roll their eyes at elf conversations, it is not easy to find hardcore skeptics." Says Sarah Lyall.

For me Icelanders are Philosophers because they think Elves do exist even if majority people thinks they don't. But it's a good thing why? I'm not sure if Icelanders know about this it's a good thing that they keep believing because it maintains the balance our mythical creations and imaginations in our world.

To me in my childhood, Elves and Fairies of all sorts were very real things, and my toys were as really children as I was myself a child.

I have browse a new article about my topic I have found an article entitled "The Art of Elves", written by Doug Beyer.

Where Beyer discussed about how elves involves in art.
As I read the article, I found out that Elves are fashionable, the way they dressed, they act, talks and move is a form of Art. Well Doug Beyer showed a lot of pictures that symbolized Elves in Art. Creations by many that can inspire us by looking they're works. Doug Beyer also mention that elves are warriors. In the pictures you can see that how they fight, it's unbelievable how the way they fight which is also symbolized Art.

"By the way! Today? Elves. Medium? Magic art. Let's go. Spartans, prepare for some pointy-eared glory," Says Doug Beyer.

For what I saw on the images of the article, I can say Elves are very majestic. They are very enchanted, beauty, grace, and vulnerability which is truly an Art.

Creativity is allowing yourself to express our imaginations, and Art is knowing which ones to keep.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Blogpost # 4: Dragons

What is a Dragon? For me a Dragon is a Legendary creature or a Mythical beast, a Giant reptile who
breath's fire, has a snake like body, thick metallic skin, big strong wings, and on the end of the tail it has a blade like extension. Dragon's are unpredictable kind of a monster, I don't know if it talks or not, or lives on caves or mountains. But the only thing that I know about Dragons are dangerous.

Real facts about them, The very word 'Dragon' is related to other ancient words having to do with vision. A Dragon's life is a very long one compared to humans. On the average, dragons live 1,500 human years. A dragon's life is not boring by any means. They live to learn, and to gather knowledge, as well as a huge hoard of treasure.
And like most wise and powerful beings, they guard secrets and confer favors. Dragons are among the most popular and enduring of the world's mythological creatures. Dragon tales are known in many cultures, from the Americas to Europe to India to China.

As I'm searching an interesting article about Dragons I found an article about "What are Dragons?" written by Shawn MacKenzie, in the website LLEWELLYN. Where Shawn discussed about What are Dragons and why are they so important to us.

I believe that the author just want to show or to express his ideas about dragons. Asking what are dragons and why is it important to our life. So he said that Dragons are mythical creatures that don't exist in our world, but still he compare Dragons to Humans, the Calendars, and living Creatures in our world. He discussed about how Dragons rule our mythical imagination that was printed in our heart and mind, in short Dragon don't exist but they lived in our mythical imaginations.

He said that "I have kept company with Dragons for more than half a century. I have studied, worked with, written about, and adored them."

I agree with the statement very much that Dragons does not exist, we are the one who creates Dragons in our minds.

Dragon can be Scary, Monstrous, or Dangerous, but they can be also Magical, Miraculous or Magnificent.

For me Dragons is an illusion in our mind it can be our nightmare or our sweetest dream. Dragons are our feelings and only our imagination.

As I search for more related article about my topic I found a article entitled "The Fable of Dragon - Tyrant" by Nick Bostrom.

I was very interested about the topic because it talks about life, that life is too important that we must fight for our Freedom and our Rights. I was interested for what he mention about the King and a Young boy becomes a hero after defeating the Dragon.

 The article started how the Dragon-Tyrant rule their world, and how thousands of people were slaughtered each day. The article is all about how to kill the Dragon in exchange for their freedom, how their technology evolves and lastly the main reason of his story article is all about to Deal, to Settle, and to Understand the problem gracefully.

"So let us leave the fable people to grapple with their new challenges, while we try to make progress in our own adventure," Says Nick Bostrom.

I believe that Nick want's to make our decision carefully and calmly, because if you hesitate huge regrets will be formed and will not be erased and leave your heart wounded.

So most people die of sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only thing one never regrets are one's mistakes.