Thursday, February 13, 2014

Blogpost # 4: Dragons

What is a Dragon? For me a Dragon is a Legendary creature or a Mythical beast, a Giant reptile who
breath's fire, has a snake like body, thick metallic skin, big strong wings, and on the end of the tail it has a blade like extension. Dragon's are unpredictable kind of a monster, I don't know if it talks or not, or lives on caves or mountains. But the only thing that I know about Dragons are dangerous.

Real facts about them, The very word 'Dragon' is related to other ancient words having to do with vision. A Dragon's life is a very long one compared to humans. On the average, dragons live 1,500 human years. A dragon's life is not boring by any means. They live to learn, and to gather knowledge, as well as a huge hoard of treasure.
And like most wise and powerful beings, they guard secrets and confer favors. Dragons are among the most popular and enduring of the world's mythological creatures. Dragon tales are known in many cultures, from the Americas to Europe to India to China.

As I'm searching an interesting article about Dragons I found an article about "What are Dragons?" written by Shawn MacKenzie, in the website LLEWELLYN. Where Shawn discussed about What are Dragons and why are they so important to us.

I believe that the author just want to show or to express his ideas about dragons. Asking what are dragons and why is it important to our life. So he said that Dragons are mythical creatures that don't exist in our world, but still he compare Dragons to Humans, the Calendars, and living Creatures in our world. He discussed about how Dragons rule our mythical imagination that was printed in our heart and mind, in short Dragon don't exist but they lived in our mythical imaginations.

He said that "I have kept company with Dragons for more than half a century. I have studied, worked with, written about, and adored them."

I agree with the statement very much that Dragons does not exist, we are the one who creates Dragons in our minds.

Dragon can be Scary, Monstrous, or Dangerous, but they can be also Magical, Miraculous or Magnificent.

For me Dragons is an illusion in our mind it can be our nightmare or our sweetest dream. Dragons are our feelings and only our imagination.

As I search for more related article about my topic I found a article entitled "The Fable of Dragon - Tyrant" by Nick Bostrom.

I was very interested about the topic because it talks about life, that life is too important that we must fight for our Freedom and our Rights. I was interested for what he mention about the King and a Young boy becomes a hero after defeating the Dragon.

 The article started how the Dragon-Tyrant rule their world, and how thousands of people were slaughtered each day. The article is all about how to kill the Dragon in exchange for their freedom, how their technology evolves and lastly the main reason of his story article is all about to Deal, to Settle, and to Understand the problem gracefully.

"So let us leave the fable people to grapple with their new challenges, while we try to make progress in our own adventure," Says Nick Bostrom.

I believe that Nick want's to make our decision carefully and calmly, because if you hesitate huge regrets will be formed and will not be erased and leave your heart wounded.

So most people die of sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only thing one never regrets are one's mistakes.

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