Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blogpost # 5: Elves

What do Elves look like? Well I haven't saw one before but I wish I can see them, though they said its impossible to caught them in the act. Elves are Cute, Cuddly, Small, Beautiful and Majestic just like Santa's Elves.

 But according to the experts Elves are monstrous mythical creatures that looks like Men that have an average height of 4 to 5 feet, Ears that pointed outwards, Long uncut hair, which is Fragile, big an expressive Eyes, Grateful and Beautiful. And they have the ability to heal themselves, whether they choose to do so with their natural born ability or with the use of magic. If the injured Elf hasn't lost too much blood or isn't too badly injured, then their natural healing ability usually suffices. They will be able to heal themselves much faster. The Nimbulaii are the rarest in every way possible.

I read an article about "Building in Iceland? Clear It with the Elves Fist" written by Sarah Lyall in website "nytimes"  where Sarah mentioned about Elves in Iceland.

The article talks about asking permission first before making your steps because it can cause you misfortune. It states that Iceland is rooted by elves where people actually believes on them.
People in Iceland has a different Philosophy answers about Elves, that if there's a large stone in your garden and somebody said to an Iceland that's an ''Elf Stone'', and they added that "It's not like they think they are little people living in there who come and dance outside." It's pretty weird because hey can't see them but they can feel them.

"Although it is easy to find Icelanders who roll their eyes at elf conversations, it is not easy to find hardcore skeptics." Says Sarah Lyall.

For me Icelanders are Philosophers because they think Elves do exist even if majority people thinks they don't. But it's a good thing why? I'm not sure if Icelanders know about this it's a good thing that they keep believing because it maintains the balance our mythical creations and imaginations in our world.

To me in my childhood, Elves and Fairies of all sorts were very real things, and my toys were as really children as I was myself a child.

I have browse a new article about my topic I have found an article entitled "The Art of Elves", written by Doug Beyer.

Where Beyer discussed about how elves involves in art.
As I read the article, I found out that Elves are fashionable, the way they dressed, they act, talks and move is a form of Art. Well Doug Beyer showed a lot of pictures that symbolized Elves in Art. Creations by many that can inspire us by looking they're works. Doug Beyer also mention that elves are warriors. In the pictures you can see that how they fight, it's unbelievable how the way they fight which is also symbolized Art.

"By the way! Today? Elves. Medium? Magic art. Let's go. Spartans, prepare for some pointy-eared glory," Says Doug Beyer.

For what I saw on the images of the article, I can say Elves are very majestic. They are very enchanted, beauty, grace, and vulnerability which is truly an Art.

Creativity is allowing yourself to express our imaginations, and Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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